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Our Services

For the EXIT or Turnaround Phase


You have defied all the odds and your business has matured…


We are here to inspire you

As a more mature business you have probably experienced the thrill and excitement of starting and growing the business over an extended time. Often the priorities of the business owners change, or the growth of the business has plateaued, or worse be in decline.

At this stage adapting to new challenges may be a little daunting and having an independent fresh set of eyes can offer new insight and help you to explore your options.

We are experienced in working with business owners who are looking to potentially exit the business often by way of IPO, Private Equity or Trade Sale.

We can inspire business owners to explore new opportunities to reinvent the business and take the company in new directions.

We have also worked with business owners to implement effective turnaround strategies.  

We can act as an objective partner who can introduce new ideas, save you time, helping with things like strategy development, market research and analysis, competitor research and analysis, business plan and investment memorandum preparation, financial analysis and forecasting, presentation materials, and developing a business execution strategy.

Each entrepreneur’s and business owner’s situation is different, but there are a number of ways we can support you. In all cases we always “seek first to understand” we just need to talk you through your current situation before we can identify how we can really help you and of course what that might cost.

But, remember it costs nothing to talk to us.

Mentoring and general business advice

Being a founder can be very lonely, very few people will truly understand what you are going through. We have been there and just having someone who understands to talk to can make all the difference.

Business review, feasibility studies and commercial intelligence gathering

Before you can transition to the next phase of your business lifecycle it is important to have a detailed understanding of where you are now. We can provide a detailed independent review of your business and provide a feasibility study of where the potential opportunities for the business exist.

Business modelling

We have developed a recipe for creating sustainable business models. A business has a model which might not be seen but it can be felt and visualised. The model demonstrates how the business creates value, sells the value, sustains itself and grows.

Financial modelling

Knowing your numbers is a core skill any founder needs to develop, but accurate financial modelling is a niche skill that few have the capability to master. A financial model is your business plan in numbers, it needs to be realistic and deliverable, but ambitious enough to be attractive to potential investors. A robust financial model provides a baseline against which you can monitor and measure your progress.

Business execution planning

Creation of business does not happen through chance, but through flexible, workable and actionable plans. Plans that respond to external changes, influence what can be influenced and learn from both failure and success. Your business execution plans are like the rudder of a ship – they help to steer you in the direction you want to go.

Investor relations

Any transition to a new direction will often require additional funding. We can assist in identifying all options. We will help you develop your ‘data-room’ and suite of the documents you will require like investment memorandums and pitch decks. Where possible we will promote you to our network of potential funders as they trust a relationship built over many years and personal introduction, over a cold call.

Team building

Any successful business that grows will require a team of resources that can execute. We can help to build your resource requirement and organisational structure. In many cases you don’t need to employ, you just need access to outsourced resource. For example, outsourced financial direction.


Try Our Unique Process

Research & Analysis

Our core principle is to “seek first to understand”, we gather valuable commercial intelligence to ensure effective delivery making recommendations based on fact, not fiction.

Roadmap planning

Planning is at the core of everything we do. We take time to map out in detail every task that will be required and communicate the roadmap to ensure transparent understanding.

Execute & Monitor

We practice what we preach. We execute our plans and monitor, measure and report our progress against the plan. This ensures we deliver the value we have mapped out and everyone is aware of what is going on.


Flexible Pricing Models For Every Need

We believe in total transparency and fairness when it comes to our pricing models. We have designed them to be flexible and affordable. We offer a host of services, catered to minimising the burn impact on scale-ups whilst offering a complete set of resources spanning from initial strategy to implementation and execution.

We are a time-based service and so offer options. You may prefer to be charged by the hour, alternatively we have fixed price options for much of our work regardless of how much time is spent on the task. We are able to “bundle” services together to give one fixed fee for a scope of work providing greater savings or best value of all we can agree a monthly retention where services are billed as a flat fee per month for access to all resources, network and services provided (fair usage applies) giving peace of mind & fixed transparent costs.

Finally, we also offer a success only fee element as a small percentage of funds raised.

All rates quoted are plus vat. 

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+44 (0) 208 720 7239